Our most trusted and feared players, we reserve these special rankings to warriors who have proved themselves in the art of war.  They have not only mastered battling Monsters and Enemy Demons, but through their donations to the clan have also helped build a better Union.  They have established themselves as leaders of the pack, and are respected by their peers.  The Order of Life and Death, Light and Darkness.  They are the way... and this prestige can only be attained by the chosen few.

Angel of Life
"Warriors of Light"
4th in Command

 Good Morning LordErnest E. Varner

 These bringers of light are the most feared Angels of our Union.  They are the perfect soldier, bringing not only with them a wealth of experience, but also wisdom beyond their time.  Only the few ever become Angels of Life, and Light.


St MH          Escarcega

Angel of Death
"Soul Collectors"
5th in Command

Angel of Death - Scott Gearhart 

   Every Soul needs Collecting, and these Angels of Death bring a final solution to all those that stand before them.  All must one day face them, and none will ever escape alive. Restoring rightful order, the Union could not survive without them.


Chopstick                       Koizora
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