Merciful Angel - Michael Gullbrandson 

  Every legend has its Heroes and its Villains, where myth and truth seldom go hand in hand. The exact account of the Union folklore is known only to time and its secrets, and as it sinks in its sands, there may only be a few who truly know where they came from, or how it all began... so goes, the Legend of Saints and Union.


Chapter One - "Enter the Land of Illithia"

- story written by SaintAscension 

War Angel - Rickbw1 


Sacred Scroll : Eye of the Storm

    The Forces of Hell looked upon the heavy faces of their foes, then out at one another, and knew within this single motion that the world would have to wait. The battle for humanity had come to a crossroad.  For so long Heaven had fought Hell, and Hell with Heaven, that many only knew the horror that was war, and little of its cost.  Long ago there had been a time of peace, after the Fallen One had lost his charms on Humanity.  Though as the coming new age drew near, it was now more than ever that the energies of earth and its people could fall victim to his vices.  

    Heaven had axcepted long ago that evil would survive as long as Humanity continued their limited ways of understanding their realities. In an almost yin-yang existence, both Heaven and Hell pulled on the human subconscious, whispering sweet nothings of "good" and "evil," until the physical world began to tremble at its core.  Human civilizations throughout history had known these days would come, where all would never, or could ever be the same again.  

    The Summarian tablets and sacred Veda texts would be the first to write the true history of humanity's beginnings, though it would be the Native Hopi Indians, Mayans, Oriental and Western philosophers and prophets that would warn of the coming events.  Though these times have been given many names throughout the centuries, to many it would be known as the End of Days.




Sacred Scroll : Hidden Dangers

    To understand the war in the heavens, one must first understand the nature of this war, and how it effects the people on earth.  As the sacred knowledge has been passed down, it has been agreed upon that both Angels and Demons feed off the energy of the physical world.  They live in a plane of existence where the metaphysical energies of reality unite, so that instead of physical food to nourish themselves, they survive off the energy frequencies emitted by humans and other living beings of the universe. Though many have argued that in essence both Angels and Demons are influencing the human race for their own selfish means, it is the Angels who wish to see a happily thriving human population.  

    Now the question must arise: Why must Angels and Demons feed off Human energy?  Our sacred scrolls explain that although Angels and Demons (and other beings in the astral plane) are not "living," they need constant flow of energy for their souls to survive.  If not, then their souls become lost, and they float throughout the astral plane as insane disembodied spirits.  At times, these lost souls can be more dangerous than the Demons and Angels themselves.  Since humans and other similar beings across the universe radiate huge amounts of energy, they are constantly being fed upon by the astral plane beings.  However, what makes Angels and Demons different is the type of energy they consume.  When the physical body dies, its soul leaves and enters the astral plane.  According to how far the soul is spiritually developed, the soul can either reincarnate again in human physical form, or stay in the astral plane.  A soul that is highly developed in good (positive) alignment can evolve into an Angel, while a soul highly developed in bad (negative) alignment evolves into a Demon.  Both need their respective energies to survive.  What most humans have conceptualized as "Heaven" and "Paradise" are based upon a flimsy idea of utopia, not realizing that even here the ideas of right and wrong are still heavily shaded in gray. What makes the physical and astral planes different are the "God like" powers of telepathy, telekinesis, psychic, and other metaphysical capabilities acquired in the astral plane far surpassing many mortal's comprehension.

    Though Angels and Demons cannot fully control a human being, or forcefully make a human do something against their will, they use a variety of subtle techniques to orchestrate "fate."  What one calls coincidence is usually the workings of an Angel or Demon, hoping that the event will be a catalyst for a certain future.  The main weapon of Demons against humans has traditionally been structured religion, where through these means even the most well intentioned people have been ripped from their humanity.  The majority of a Demon's arsenal also comes in the form of technological "advances" and other mind control techniques through the Mass Media.  Through the cultivation of constant fear and violence, large hordes of Demons can rejuvenate their crippled souls, while on the other side of the spectrum Angels fight to plant their own seeds of knowledge and understanding.  Angels do not "step into" the physical world (as Demons have done through technology), but instead protect and guide humans.  Both Demons and Angels use art to persuade, as the power of the human mind for creativity far escapes even the most remotest of boundaries, and can strike certain chords of emotion hidden far inside the soul.  Both tribes have also in the past incarnated "enlightened beings" to spread their messages onto the pages of history.  Infamous figures like Ghengas Khan, Pol Pot, Napoleon and Hitler all came for a specific purpose generated by the Demons.  While figures like Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr, Mother Theresa, Buddha and Jesus, all came from the Angel persuasion.  What is important to note is that the tide is always turning, and with each stride either side makes in the human realm, comes great loss. 



 War in Heavendyn0101

Angels and Demons - bigmanhaywood 


Sacred Scroll : The First Great War

    For many millennia the Angel and Demon forces had stayed away from direct physical war.  When the first great war broke out, Hell's forces literally tore into the physical realm of the humans, taking control of planet earth and other known worlds in the universe under a resistance movement lead by the Fallen One.  This resistance came with the promise that no longer would the Demon forces lay inferior to Heaven's masses.  The Fallen One preached that for far too long the forces of Heaven had played a twisted game of karma against living souls.  What right did Heaven have to dictate what was morally true or honest?  What right did Heaven have to condemn humans to a life of pain, and then further punish most through an afterlife of damnation?  His message spread like wildfire through the Demon and Angel ranks alike, and soon his rebellion was leaking into the physical realm, claiming its territory as their own.

    Heaven had no choice but to send its forces into the physical realm and shut down the rebellion before all the universe was corrupted.  For the first time in millenniums, the Cosmos was aflame as Angels and Demons fought to the death.  Using their God like powers, the battles resembled nothing of modern day human warfare.  The world burned with the ashes of feathers and scales, and high above metal clashed on metal, until only a few rebelling forces stood strong.  With every shattered death of the battle, the blood of the fallen would rain down from the earthly skies, so that for 40 days and 40 nights, the earth continued its cries of bloodied rain, and flooded all the world.   Only a handful of Angels and Demons were able to escape The Great Flood and make their way back into the astral plane, though the damage had already been done.  The Human Race was all but extinct, and the energy that had once filled earth, was now fragile and minuscule.  The forces of Heaven and Hell called for a truce, knowing that neither would survive long without humans living in the physical realm.  

    The Fallen One was allowed passage through certain dimensions, and there he waited patiently for his chance to one day rise again, and claim the minds of the universe.  This time however he would come prepared, and sent his minions to influence the world into a mindset that would be poised for his arrival.  



Sacred Scroll : Growing Forces

    Centuries had passed since the First Great War between Heaven and Hell, and Angels and Demons had once again gone back to influencing the universe from the astral plane.  After the war, many separate factions of Angels and Demons roamed the universe, controlling sections of the Cosmos.  Now and then these groups would engage in minor skirmishes, even among the same race lines.  Soon however bold leaders from both sides would organize small armies.  Though it is unknown which clan truly was the first, it is clear that two Angel groups formed around the same time.  "Ironic Gaming" and "The Divine Fallen" would become the earliest Angel clans to spring from the ashes, and they wreaked havoc on the unsuspecting underworld.  An Angel named Jade Iris would play an instrumental role in these developments, who as leader of The Divine Fallen, established herself as a worthy and honest Queen.  Though hardly ever seen inside the universe, She became the most powerful Angel in existence, and created the template that many clans would soon follow.

    However Hell was to be no lullaby, and soon unleashed "The Forces of Hellborn," a Demon clan lead by the ruthless RinaChan.  She was known for her stone silence, and with her second in command (a cunning Demon named Smith) set out to make their claims on the outer universe.  They have been so successful in their conquests, that legend tells of entire galaxies falling to their will by the mere magnitude of their presence.  At the same time, earth was dealing with constant bombardment from a powerful Demon group, who called themselves "Mount Olympus" (also known as "The LEGION").  Though the Demons had not yet tried to break into the physical realm, the clan's leader (named Hollywood), had created upon earth the movie business, and owned the top 4 conglomerate companies of the world, which included most major news and communication outlets.  Hollywood's clever use of mind control through the arts and news created a frenzy in the human mind.  From his astral realm below earth, a simple show or movie could shape public opinions into pure hatred, all while the people munched happily away on popcorn and soda.  His second in command was named Thor, and he manipulated the weather to sow catastrophe on unsuspecting people.   The tsunamis, hurricanes, earthquakes and fires that have swept the world in recent times have been mostly the product of Thor and all Mount Olympus.

    It was in these tremulous times that a Saint was born.  Born With Angels and Demons fighting in other parts of the universe, and Demons having almost complete control of Earth, this human native would soon spin the wheels of fate, forever changing the landscape of what was possible. From a small leaky boat, there would be twins born this critical night in the oceans of the Atlantic, where Thor was creating a thunderous storm.  The first to be born by these waves would be the baby boy, only to be followed by a twin sister. Their mother had given too much blood, and with the final vision of her babies' smiling eyes of comfort, died there beside them. No one knows what happened to the other remaining souls on that boat, but it is said that when the two twins were finally found, their mother had turned to dust.  It was a passing fish boat Captain that first found the drifting ship.  Little is known of their first years, though legend tells that the Captain (considering them miracles) took them in,  and together sailed and saw the world.  They were raised the rough life of sailors, and found little peace in this ruling thug-like world of cut throats.  At times they pirated the seas, stealing ships and their bounty.  Other nights however, they found themselves both dreaming as if in another times, high in the mountains of other worlds. Little did the Captain know that these babies he'd found so many years before (with a host of other unlikely heroes), would play a dangerous game with fate.  He called the boy Ascension; the girl they named Tenchi Tsubasa


Slave Labor - Mariano Villalba 

Unknown Artist 


Sacred Scroll : Beginning Steps
    The Human quest for knowledge has always played an instrumental role in the war of the Heavens, for it is this ability to understand and perceive that makes humans so susceptible to subtle influences by spiritual forces.  Most humans have been dulled and dumbed by several centuries of Demon manipulation, however there are those humans that still "consciously" live out their lives.  It is these conscious humans that the Demon and Angel forces strive and seek, for it is with them that victory is achieved.  Many conscious humans use their capacities to gain material wealth and power.  Often these humans will even strike deals with the Demon underworld, helping to facilitate the slavery of human energy.  Most of these individuals traverse the political and social scenes, as well as CEO's of high level business companies.  With carefully positioned pawns, these humans control most of the material existence earth now resides in.
    However a mighty few use their powers to do collective good, organizing their abilities to move society forward.  We have seen this through the feminist revolution of the last century, the ending of slavery and the beginning of civil rights, the rebellion against Fascism, Communism, Capitalism, and all political Tyrants, as well as the progressive movements of the arts.  The cultural revolutions that have taken hold in the last 10 years, let alone the last 100, show that more and more individuals are "awakening" to the energies of the times.  However not all has been good, as the evil forces have only learned more sophisticated techniques in which to enslave the people.
     It is because of this that humans like Ascension and Tenchi became so important in the war that was to come, for small groups of individuals would have more possibility to change reality than ever before.  However to truly do profound good, one needed first to master the mind.  As the years went on Ascension saw less and less of this family, and drifted the earth from city to city, town to town.  There was a calling inside him still unheard, yet beckoning to be released, if only for one screaming second.  He had learned from the Monks of the Himalayas, to the Middle Eastern teachings of Jesus and the prophet Muhammad.  He had read volume upon volume of Native American Folklore and Philosophers of all countries and stages.   Months had gone by meditating on the teachings of the Buddha alone, and yet he found himself no closer to the overarching "meaning" of all that was existence.  He could feel that he was getting closer, and yet every time he thought he'd made some progress, the world shattered these possibilities with the simple reality of his daily life. 
    Then one day a lighting thought occurred, and soon a realization was flashing hot in his head.  All this time he had been intellectualizing concepts from the confines of books and its pages, yet ignoring the wealth of personal experiences that had been his life.  He dropped his books and went off again into the unknown world, looking for something he had missed.



Sacred Scroll : The Message

    Many seasons had passed now since Ascension had "gone searching," and now the memories of his past dimmed like vague fireflies.  He hadn't seen Tenchi or his friends in years, and he began to wonder if all this time roaming would amount to anything.  He had been scouring the country of South Africa for Ancient Relics that might possess great knowledge of reality and existence, however with no such luck.  So long it had been this way however, that his only wish was to go home, where ever that may be.  He stumbled one day upon a small village just off the "Cape of Good Hope."  His intuition told him that something was supposed to happen here.

    For days he walked around the village, talking with the locals and seeing if he could find some connection.  Yet, more days passed and no such connection was made.  It was on the 7th day while he rested by the beach, drinking his rum and remembering his times at sea, that he saw a figure just beyond the sea shore.  He stood and squinted, looking against the setting sun, but could not make out who or what it was.  As the sun did its final dance along the horizon, it kissed a final farewell of warmth and disappeared past the ocean.  Just as last light was set, a moment of clarity was given, and Ascension stood and saw the sun's rays flash across hair like fire, and noticed it belonged to a woman floating out to sea. 

    He called for her but she gave no answer, and so he began to wade into the water after her.  The closer he seemed to get however, the farther away she would seem to float, and soon the current had taken them both far out into the ocean.  The night began to swallow them whole as the chill waters shivered up his spine and skin.  He could see a faint outline of a body just a ways off, and so swam his way over.  When he arrived he saw it was indeed a woman, and a beautiful one at that.  Her skin was pale from the cold, and her body like feathers as she floated effortlessly.  Though he could not see well in the night, he stroked back what he remembered to be vibrant red hair from her face.

    He thought her dead as he held her in the water, but as he bent over her lips to detect breathing, she shrieked and clawed, grabbing hold of him and pulling them both down into the ocean.  He struggled, but soon his fate was sealed, and he knew they would both drown... as the lights began to fade, he felt hands above water tugging at his shoulders.  The woman let go, and as she sank into the depths, Ascension heard her voice murmur clearly through the water as if a dream, "Go to the Land of Illithia, at the end of the world; at the end of all light and darkness."    


 Book of a Wizardst3to


Sacred Scroll : The Book of Shades
    When Ascension awoke the world seemed to spin before him.  Was he dead?
The answer to this came as the faintness of his eyes began to clear, and he found himself comfortably laying on a wooden bed, surrounded by odd looking artifacts and figures.  It was still dark outside, and the room was lit with candles and moonlight through the window.  Outside he could hear someone chopping wood, and he took a moment to try and remember what had happened.  The door to the room slowly creaked open, and before him stood a man well built and of tall stature.  As Ascension noticed the kindness in his eyes, he relaxed himself. 
    "I was wondering if you were going to be ok," said the man.  A brief moment of silence passed, until he reached out his hand to shake, "my name is Chopstick.  My cousin Winterborn is outside collecting wood. You must be cold."  They shook hands, but as Ascension tried to speak his chest caved in with pain, and he knew he must have drowned.  "The Girl," he managed to squeak out after a few breaths. 
    "What do you mean?" said Chopstick cautiously.  "Winterborn and I saw you run into the ocean from our boat, and that's when you just dove right in.  Sharks are a nasty business around here, and when we didn't see you come up for air, we made our way over and saw you well below the surface.  I grabbed you and pulled you on deck, but it's a good thing Winterborn knows CPR or you might've had a conversation or two with that bastard St. Peter." 
    While Ascension sat himself up, Winterborn entered with the wood and started lighting the fireplace.  He was a serious man and didn't speak a word while they waited for the fire to catch.  Soon it did, and Winterborn handed Ascension a small book from his back pocket.  "We found it on you when we brought you in," said Chopstick tensely.  Ascension had never seen the book before, and he slowly fingered the engraved letters on the cover. "The Book of Shades, written by Grimmjow."  As Ascension opened to the first pages, his heart beat uncontrollably, for inside in dark swirly handwriting read the words, "Enter the Land of Illithia."     
    Outside the cabin the wind howled, and the candles flickered until they finally went out.  The moonlight wrapped around their faces like silver saran wraps.  "Last night I had a dream," whispered Chopstick, as if he'd never awakened.  "In it I saw a girl, and she told me to go to the Land of Illithia.  I didn't think anything of it at first, but then this happens."  He stood now and tilted his head slowly, "Whatever this Illithia is, we're coming with you."  Ascension could hardly think himself with all these seeming coincidences, let alone assume that they were good intentioned.  "I've never seen this book before," he began, "and this Land of Illithia probably isn't even real."  Chopstick looked out the window in daze, "this girl you spoke of, did she have hair as red as fire?"       
    Ascension didn't even think to answer, there would was no point in denying it anymore.  "We don't even know how to get there," he said softly. 
    "Turn to the next page," hinted Winterborn with a sly smile.  Apparently Grimmjow was also good a drawing maps.  "We leave tomorrow."



* End of Chapter One *

* Begin Chapter Two *

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