Dawn of Memories

- stories written by BWO Jackel



Flying Sorcery - VampirePrincess007 


 Angrey Werewolf - JC

Dawn of Memories
: When Angels Remember

    There were two brothers sitting on the balcony of the Union clan tower. Both of them had ascended to the high heavens above as graceful horned angles. They had been with the Union's leader for very long. Even before they had died they were loyal to him. Their names were Chopstick and Winterborn. The one named Chopstick had been having a reoccurring thought of when they had been kids; when they had been alive. Chopstick tired of the reoccurring thought, and finally asked his brother, "Hey Winterborn. Do you ever miss those old days before we died and started kick-en some ass with Saint?" Winterborn with a similar thought answered, "Yeah..... Those were some peaceful times huh Chop?" Both of them made a long "sigh" in unison. Winterborn with a smirk on his face asked Chopstick, "Hey remember that time when we got lost in the woods and the whole town was looking for us?" Chopstick with a nostalgic look on his face answered, "Yeah we got the beating of a life time for doing that stupid ass stunt. And then there was the wolf, I'll never forget the wolf we saw that day." Together they began to remember the wolf in the woods...
    ... Two children were running through the forest. Their faces worried and scared at the thought of being lost. One of them started crying and said, "We ain't never gonna get home *sniff* we ain't eva gonna see our home again." The older brother stopped to relieve the younger one, "Its all right Winter we're gonna get through this together alright?" Winterborn looked up to his older brother and said, "Alright Chop if you say so....." *sniff*. Then the two turned their heads left sharply as they heard a puppy-like cry. Chopstick as curious as he was said, "Lets check it out Winter." Then Winterborn with a small smile on his face said, "Okay Chop." The two of them jogged towards the sound with one staying close to the other. As they approached they saw many wolf puppies crying for food. Kneeling near the puppies the two said in unison, "Aw look at the cute Pups!!!" Then suddenly their joy turned to utter fear when they heard a growl behind them.
    When they turned to look they saw the mother wolf standing behind them nearly two times their own size. Then a familiar voice said, "Boys get down now!!!!" Almost instantly they ducked and saw one of the the towns' hunters fire their gun at once near the wolf, not hitting her but scaring her. In a heart beat with her tail between her legs, she left with her pups. The tall bearded hunter looked at them with blistering fury but with a relief as well. He hugged the two brothers first, but then he hit their little heads together very hard saying, "WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING!?! YOU WERE ALMOST KILLED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The two boys stood there for a minute before Chop had the courage to say, "I'm sorry pop we just wanted to explore....."
    Father angered at the two said, "Yeah well you're about to 'explore' a well needed ass beating in about ten minutes when we get home." As they walked to town together in the dead of night Chopstick asked his father, "Dad why didn't you shoot the wolf instead of just letting it get away?"  Father still angered by the twos' action said, "Well son she was just protecting her children, just as I would do with you two." The children started smiling, and then Father said, "And no. I haven't forgotten to give you two one helluva beating when we get home." The brothers looked at each other, this time frowning...
     .... "Shit you were a big pussy back then weren't you Winterborn?" Winterborn angrily answered, "Screw you bro. I smelled shit from your pants all the way home."
replied, "I seem to remember piss running down yours."
    The two started laughing hysterically, and looked out across the deadly fields from the tower.



Dawn of Memories:Title of Story

    A flicker of light was all that kept the darkness away in the church. The young Deacon boy was just cleaning up when out of nowhere a strange Nun came in the door. The boy stared at the nun and cautiously asked her, "Sister what are you doing here this late at night?"  The nun answered back, "To eat..... To eat......"
    The young deacon quietly told the nun, "Oh you're hungry? There's some donuts in the ba-" but before he could finish suddenly the nun grabbed the deacons arm and said, "To eat..... To eat....... TO EAT YOUR SOUL FOOLISH HUMAN!!!!!!"
    The nun started to transform into a scaly and evil beast. The deacon started praying to his god, "OH HEAVENLY FATHER SEND ME A ANGLE!!!!!!!" Then out of shadows a blade sliced right through the night, severing the beast's hand.  The severed hand still held on to the deacon, but he knew it was no harm to him any more.  The only thing he now thought in that moment was who was this man he now saw before him. The demon nun shocked by the other creature's speed and strength cursed, "AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!  You cut off my arm you stupid little fu-" Before the demon could finish its sentence the unknown creature dashed in and out of the body of the demon. The demon crying in pain wished for it to stop, and asked with its dying breath, "Who the hell are you????" The unknown creature spread its blue glowing wings from its robes and answered, "Huh.... How boring. Weakling."
    The demon now laid dead in its own gory guts and blood. The deacon not realizing what he had just witnessed ironically realized the dead demons severed arm was still chocking him, and he gasped for air. The unknown creature with his blue wings grabbed one of his daggers and cut straight through the fingers of the creature, and in doing so released the deacon. The deacon, hoping he would not get the same answer and results the dead demon was looking for asked, "Who are you? Are you the lords angels?" The Angel with a smirk answered, "Sorry kid, can't and won't tell you that. But you can call me by my task force's name. It's BWO."
    The angel knew his work was done, and before the deacons eyes, vanished without a trace (besides all the demon gore).  The now tired BWO retired to a hotel where he disguised himself as human.  Knowing that he would leave the next day, he pulled out a strange chain that displayed his nickname "B.W.O." and with tears rolling down his eyes onto the chain said, "Oh Kruta, Nisora, Ruto, Guro..... How you guys would have loved the human world at a time of peace.... I'm so sorry I couldn't do more.... Oh how it hurts to remember."
    As he broke down into tears he put the chain back. Then he pulled out a old dagger that looked nothing like the other two he had. It was inscribed with a lost language that only he knew by heart. With pain in his voice he said, "To our protector and my lover." He again burst into tears, not being able to hold them back no matter what.  At last after what felt like ages, he put it away safely and went to bed fearing...... Fearing of his recurring nightmare that was his 50,000 year old past......
    ..... It was like any other day in the heavens, and golden towers were gleaming in the sun while the clean streets bustled with angles.  As a young angel came out of his gleaming house, four others came running towards him. The young angel happily greeted them, "Nisora, Ruto, Guro, Kruta!!! You guys ready to go do our patrol near the eastern gate?!" Ruto boldly answered, "Hell yeah man!!!! Lets get to it!!"
    The five then began flying with their large wings to the eastern gate. Guro bored started to tease the young angle, "So when are we going to meet this young human girl you keep 'guiding,' and that you talk about every damn day?? Huh Jackel?" Jackel now blushed with embarrassment and muttered, "Hey. It's not like that.  It's just that well it's, well, um very um complica-" Before he could finish his sentence Nisora yelled out "WATCH IT!!! POLE!!!" But it was too late. Jackel crashed into the pole square in the testicles.  Kruta (the smart ass that he was) teased the groaning Jackel by saying, "Well whatever you had in plan with that human, I sure as hell hope it didn't involve kids."  Jackel miserably replied, "screw you man..."
    All of a sudden a white hole appeared near them. It carried with it a voice of a man whom they referred to as "The Commander." The Commander's voice promptly and strictly shouted,  "Attention!!! We have some new orders for you B.W.O!!!!" The whole squad replied, "Sir yes sir!!!!" The Commander's voice again shouting said, "It's time that I meet you whelps in person. We will meet at the Central tower and discuss further orders!" Again the whole squad replied "Sir yes sir!!!!!!"  As fast as it had appeared, the white hole was gone.  
    Jackel's squad mates turned towards him, and in an almost trance-like chant started saying, "So Jackel are you ready to repent for murder? For our murders?" And as they did so they grabbed him, and it seemed like they were dragging him into hell itself.
    Gasping for air Jackel jumped from the bed on to his feet.  Breathing heavily he cried out, "Im so sorry my friends....... My brothers."  He grabbed all his belongings and flew out the window to his place in the battle for heaven.


Evil Nun - 420


Fallen - Sandara 

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